Rainy Mountain Royalty Projects

Rainy Mountain is focused on acquiring early stage exploration opportunities and delivering them drill target ready to joint venture partners. The Company currently holds multiple property interests in Ontario and is primarily focused on shear hosted gold and base metals properties with associated gold and silver credits.

Rainy Mountain is constantly reviewing new potential exploration projects and will continue its efforts to acquire, explore and enhance joint venture exploration properties, with the objective of increasing shareholder value.


Total Claims:  196
: Au
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee:
RMO has optioned the Brunswick Property from Michael Tremblay/Fiorella Santamaria.
Operator: Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp.
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 0%

Marshall Lake

Total claims: 940
: Cu, Zn, Au
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee:
Copper Lake Resources Ltd.
Operator: Copper Lake Resources Ltd.
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 31.25%


Total claims: 443
Target: PGE, Ni, Cu
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee:
Great Lakes Resources LLC
Operator: Great Lakes Resources LLC
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 40.9%


Total Claims: 292
Target: PGE, Ni, Cu, Co
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee:
Copper Lake Resources Ltd.
Operator: Copper Lake Resources Ltd.
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 30.21%


Total Claims: 194
Target: Au, Ag
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee: None
Operator: Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp.
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 100.0%


Total Claims: 159
Target: PGE, Cu
Joint Venture Partner/Optionee:
Canadian International Pharma Corp./White Metal Resources Corp.
Operator: Minfocus Exploration Corp.
Rainy Mountain’s interest – Current: 30.0%

Projects by Location

The Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp. property projects span a large area of Southern Ontario.  See the map below for property locations.